Sunday, December 25, 2011

the making of our chistmas card

every so often, the dog gets to be the star of our holiday card. 2011 happens to be one of those years.

plan a: take a picture of her in our new home so we can use it as a moving announcement/holiday card.

plan b: use this picture of her from the last time it snowed. hey, it's wintry and seasonal!

dog in the snow

we tried to get a shot of her coming out the front door...

the 'i'm blinded by the seattle sunshine' shot...
squinty dog

we tried to get her to sit in front of our new house.
the 'i'd rather be sitting on carpet' shot...

we decided to go in a different direction after she started wandering down the block and the geek had to go after her.

we thought it might be cute to get a shot of her with her 'christmas' toy.

the playful shot...
unfortunately, her 'playing' usually consists of tug of war or thrashing the toy around...not very peaceful and holiday-ish, and very blurry given the indoor lighting.

 we finally just sat her in front of the tree and hoped for the best.
the 'whatever' shot...

the 'i don't want to be here' shot...

the blurry 'i think i see a treat' shot...

and at last, the winning shot...
dog in front of the christmas tree

merry christmas!
(and thank goodness for digital cameras!)

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