Tuesday, January 5, 2010

meet the dog

we are lucky to have a part-time pet. she's actually the geek's family's dog, but she lives with us most of the time. she's around 14 years old and may be some mix of chow and schipperke, but we're not sure. 

you see, she's a rescued dog, so there's a lot we don't know about her. for example, why does she bark like an aggressive maniac at the doorbell/mailman/other dogs when she's normally so sweet? [maybe she's part dingo?] why does she whine when she sees young children and elderly folks? [maybe she thinks they're hiding snacks?] and when no one is looking, why does she eat random things and then look remorseful when we find them? [maybe it's a dingo trait and she's part dingo?] the geek does not really support my dingo theory, but i googled "dingo puppies" and i think i may be on to something. dingo or not, she's entertaining (to us at least, but then again, we don't get out much) and we are happy to have her as our part-time pet.

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